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Annual Tax Review


All reservists should review their tax payments on an annual basis to ensure that they are paying only what they are obliged to and are claiming all the allowances, expenses and reliefs that they or their spouse are entitled to. Taxpayers with more than one employer, such as reservists, are much more likely to overpay their taxes. Reasons for a tax refund may include:


  • Allowances and tax bands split between multiple employers, or between spouses, in the incorrect ratio.

  • Fixed-rate expenses (DF, civilian employment or both) not claimed.

  • Medical and/or dentistry expenses (Form MED1 and MED2) not claimed.



Do-It -Yourself


You can undertake this yourself using your myAccount (PAYE employees) or ROS account (Self-Employed). The link below provides a guide for myAccount users:





Appoint a Tax Agent


Alternatively, you can appoint a tax agent to make a return on your behalf. They will go back over your taxes for four years prior to the current year. If you are due a refund they will process this for you and send you your refund, less their fee. If they discover that you have underpaid your taxes then they will inform you of this and you can decide how to deal with the matter yourself.


Below are some examples of tax refund agents working in Ireland.  RDFRA have no commercial relationship with any of these companies and merely provide these links for members’ convenience. Please be aware that if you appoint a tax agent then they will remain your agent until such time as you cancel the relationship in writing,  and will continue to submit your tax returns and claim a fee each year unless you take action to end the contract.

No rebate, no fee basis, so you will not be charged just for registering. If there is a rebate due to you, the fee is just 7% plus VAT, with a minimum charge of €23.


No tax refund. No fee. The fee is 7% (excl vat plus handling fee), with a minimum documentation fee of €29 (excl vat plus handling fee).


For PAYE income tax refunds from Ireland they charge per tax year 10% + handling fee of the amount processed by the relevant tax office, subject to a minimum processing fee of €40+ handling fee.



Disclaimer: The objective of this article is to provide a useful guide to RDF members. It provides a summary of how your tax payments can be reviewed. Accordingly, it cannot be regarded as a definitive outline and no liability can be accepted by RDFRA in respect of decisions taken in reliance on the information herein contained. Consider consulting a qualified tax advisor to have your individual circumstances examined.


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